Book Readings

Sunshine is a qualified teacher from the University of Ottawa and loves being in classrooms and reading her two childrens' books “Nibi’s Water Song” and “Smile So Big” .

Thank you for your interest in hosting Sunshine for your event! To ensure a smooth and successful event, please review the information and resources below, including a planning timeline and tips. Please keep in mind that the process of planning and coordinating a visit should begin 2-4 months ahead of the preferred event date.

Before You Request an Author | 2-4 Months Out

  • Think about the type of event you're planning: consider the number of presentations, age and size of audience, and the venue.
  • Choose a date. Please provide at least three specific date options.
  • Secure an appropriate budget. Speaking fees can range from $2,000-$3,000+ per day. Unless your event is virtual, you are also responsible for the author’s travel (airfare, taxi, and/or parking), lodging (if needed), and related expenses (meals or other necessities). Additionally, consider your budget for a bulk order of the author's book(s) for the event.
  • Each reading is different. If book activities such as drawing and/or cookie decorating (an edible water drop cookie) is wanted, please give precise number of participants for a quote.

Booking Author Travel and Coordinating Logistics | 2-3 Months Out

  • Once a confirmation is provided, you will communicate directly with Sunshine to determine the details of the visit. Make sure you've considered, discussed, and planned all of the following:
  • Hotel/lodging/accommodations — it's important for your author to be well-rested.
  • Transportation — flights or travel, as well as coordinating booking, ground transportation, and/or travel reimbursement.
  • On-site contact information, including cell phone numbers and arrangements for whoever will greet them the day of the visit.
  • Presentation information (if not included in the confirmation), including: length of presentation, audience information (grade level, size), and number of presentations.

Making Final Preparations | 1-2 Months Out

  • Send a final schedule, including any travel/lodging booking information, to your guest author or illustrator.
  • Prepare your school and/or community by publicizing the event.
  • Order books for the author or illustrator to sign. 
  • Arrange a space and adequate staffing for book sales and autographing.
  • Ask your guest author for any forms your school may need to process their reimbursement. This should be done well in advance so that you can provide the author with their honorarium check on the day of the appearance.

Quick Tips for a Great Author Visit

  • Prepare students for the visit in advance! The more prepared the students are for the visit, the more excited they'll be to meet the author and the more engaged they will be during the event. Consider having students serve as ushers or photographers at the event.
  • Make sure to greet the author when they arrive at the school or event location.
  • Have fun and take pictures!

How to Order Books for Author Visits

  • If you work directly with a local independent bookseller, please alert them immediately that you have an upcoming author event nearby and would like to order books. Some bookstores may also be able to offer you bulk discounts, faster order turnaround time, and/or booksellers to handle book sales on-site at your event!
  • If you prefer to order directly from Amazon please order three weeks ahead to ensure they arrive ahead of schedule.
  • If you prefer to order directly from Scholastic Customer Service (with a 40% discounted rate for author event book orders), please contact them immediately with your order details:
  • PHONE 1-855-816-7300

TRAVEL:  Please note that Sunshine lives in Kitigan Zibi Anishinabeg, Quebec 




  • Nibi’s Water Song, Short-listed, IODE Toronto Jean Throop Award, 2020
  • Nibi’s Water Song, Long-listed, First Nation Communities READ Award, 2020
  • Nibi’s Water Song, Commended, Indigenous Picture Book Collection, IBBY Canada, 2021
  • Nibi’s Water Song, Commended, Best Books for Kids and Teens, Canadian Children's Book Centre, Starred Selection, 2020